Sunday, 29 December 2013

parallelism of yajna in body and world

as in my previous post i explained the symbolism of body as yagya kund ( sacrificial altar ) but that doesn't mean the rituals involved in outer yajna does not have any significance. chandogya upnishad declares that purusha in outer world is same as in body. soul as in body in same way is in universe. as devtas are born of prana in body in same way same devtas are born from the purusha the vaishvanara agni which pervades entire universe. thus, the outer word and body are parallel to each other.

in shatpath brahmana 10.1.2, this parallelism is beautifully described. with regard to the outer yajna it is said in  prajapati saw the bird like body which is vaishvanara agni and fashioned in three parts world, air and sky. in rig veda 1.164.46 this agni is symbolised as divine garutaman having beautiful wings. thus built fire altar is this world, great rite the air and great litany the sky. these are said to overtake each other as these were created together.

with regard to body as in inner yajna in meditation, fire altar is mind, chant of great rite is breath, and great litany is speech. and all these belong together.

after that the way of obtaining these together is described as jyotishtoma, a part of agnishtoma yajna. again this fire altar is described as a bird like we saw above while prajapati fashioned the bird shaped soul as this fire altar. in this jyotishtoma method, the bahishpavamana stotra is the head of the rite. other two pavamanas are in pankadasa and saptadasa ( stomas ) they are the two wings and the yagnayagniya stotra are the tail.

we have seen in upnishads saying whole world is word or sound that is om. thus the universe is described as sound here also in SB where cattle or animals are described as seven saman verses out of thirty two hymns of pankadasha and saptadhasha, the other 25 hymns are twenty five fold  body. 


  1. so... telo nam dodje kao neka vrsta shkoljke za zhrtvenichki prichest. cool!
