Wednesday, 3 July 2013

appearence of gods : nirukta 7.6-7

6) "now we shall discuss appearance of gods. some say they are anthropomorphic for their panegyrics as well as their appellations are like those of sentient beings. moreover they are praised with reference to anthropomorphic limbs: 
o indra, the two arms of mighty one are noble.
that ( heaven and earth ) which you has seized is your fist, o lord of wealth.
moreover they are praised in association with anthropomorphic objects:
o indra come with thy team of two bay steeds. 
a beautiful wife and delightful things are in they house."

7) "others say they are not anthropomorphic because whatever is seem in them is unanthropomorphic as for instance fire, air, earth, moon, sun etc. as to view that their panegyrics are like those of sentient beings ( we reply ) that inanimate objects beginning with dice and ending with herbs are likewise praised. as to view that they are praised in association with anthropomorphic limbs ( we reply ) that this ( treatment ) is accorded to inanimate objects also:
they shout with green mouths. this is panegyrics of stones. 
as to view that they are praised in association with anthropomorphic objects ( we reply ) that it is just the same ( as in inanimate objects ):
sindhu yoked the comfortable car, drawn by horse. 
this is panegyric of river. as to view that ( they are praised ) with regard to anthropomorphic actions ( we reply ) that it is exactly same ( in case of inanimate objects)
even before the sacrificer they taste delicious oblations. this is panegyric of stones. or else they may be both anthropomorphic or unanthropomorphic. or else ( unanthropomorphic appearance ) of gods who are really anthropomorphic is their counterself in form of action. ( karma ) as sacrifice is that of sacrificer. this is well versed opinion of those who are well versed in legendary lore."

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