युञ्जते मन उत युञ्जते धियो विप्रा विप्रस्य बर्हतो विपश्चितः |
वि होत्रा दधे वयुनाविद एक इन मही देवस्य सवितुः परिष्टुतिः ||
1. Men illumined yoke theirmind and they yoke their thoughts
to him who is illumination and largeness and clear perceiving.
Knowing all phenomena he orders, sole, the Energies of
the sacrifice. Vast is the affirmation in all things of Savitri,
the divine Creator.
विश्वा रूपाणि परति मुञ्चते कविः परासावीद भद्रं दविपदे चतुष्पदे | वि नाकम अख्यत सविता वरेण्यो ऽनु परयाणम उषसो वि राजति ||
2. All forms he takes unto himself, the Seer, and he creates
from them good for the twofold existence and the fourfold.
The Creator, the supreme Good, manifests Heaven wholly
and his light pervades all as he follows the march of the
यस्य परयाणम अन्व अन्य इद ययुर देवा देवस्य महिमानम ओजसा |
यः पार्थिवानि विममे स एतशो रजांसि देवः सविता महित्वना ||
3. In the wake of his march the other gods also reach by his
force to the greatness of the Divinity. He has mapped out
the realms of earthly light by his mightiness,—the brilliant
one, the divine Creator.
उत यासि सवितस तरीणि रोचनोत सूर्यस्य रश्मिभिः सम उच्यसि |
उत रात्रीम उभयतः परीयस उत मित्रो भवसि देव धर्मभिः ||
4. And thou reachest,OSavitri, to the three luminous heavens;
and thou art utterly expressed by the rays of the Sun; and
thou encompassest the Night upon either side; and thou
becomest by the law of thy actions the lord of Love, O God.
उतेशिषे परसवस्य तवम एक इद उत पूषा भवसि देव यामभिः |
उतेदं विश्वम भुवनं वि राजसि शयावाश्वस ते सवित सतोमम आनशे ||
5. And thou art powerful for every creation; and thou becomest
the Increaser, O God, by thy movings; and thou
illuminest utterly all this world of becomings. Shyavashwa
has attained to the affirmation of thee, O Savitri.
from - secret of vedas, by aurobindo ghosh.
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